Jurassic Poop!

Jurassic Poop: What Dinosaurs (and Others) Left Behind

Written by Jacob Berkowitz, Illustrated by Steven Mack

Published 2006 by Kids Can Press

ISBN: 9781553378600

Jurassic Poop: What Dinosaurs (and Others) Left Behind

Warning: This book is not for the squeamish or those with a weak stomach.

Jurassic Poop is all about the droppings of Dinosaurs and other prehistoric characters left behind. Chalked full of puns and potty jokes, this book is sure to make boys of all ages giggle. But it’s not just a book of jokes. This book has plenty of opportunities to learn. With great information and vocabulary about paleontology, fossils, dinosaurs, and poop, Jurassic Poop is sure to teach anyone something new.

Jurassic Poop offers a variety of fun illustrations including cartoons of dinosaurs back in the day and people stumbling upon the gifts those dinos left us, as well as actual pictures of some of the fossilized poo and coprolite (a great word you can learn about by reading this book). It also offers ideas for fun activities for readers to try on their own, and short bios about “Doo-Doo Detectives,” real people who search for and study dino dung in the real world.

So if you or your reader is interested in dinosaurs, or poop, this book is a great option. So check it out, but be ready for lots of potty humor and poop talk. Parts even made this book blogger cringe, so read at your own risk and Enjoy!


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3 responses to “Jurassic Poop!

  1. This book sounds like adults could learn a lot from it as well. I like that you identified the audience that this book would be good for (boys). The first thing I did upon reading this review was Google search the word “coprolite”…I cringed a little at the Google images that came up. The little girl in me squealed “Ewww…gross!” I can definitely see that boys would enjoy this though!

  2. Are there any other pairing of books you could display with this one? What about library programs?

  3. This is a great book for those kids who love the gross and weird. I’m sure some parents will disagree with me, but I’m glad some readers will get to enjoy reading about this weird subject– sometimes it’s the grossest stuff that gets kids engaged!

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